This is a loose collection of writings introducing you to Jennie and to Evernost (the world outside the window, though it won't look like much...yet.) It's also the perpetually in-progress ebook version of Out of Tales, available here on Amazon

How to explore: click on stuff and see what happens. The console-logging has been (temporarily, I hope; there are more updates to come, so stay tuned) retired, but if you're really curious download the source code for the old version (which is super simple to run -- just double-click index.html and it will run in your default browser.)

Also note:

1. Mild profanity

2. A few things are saved in your browser's localStorage; if you clear that after exploring, you might lose progress and get slightly odd behavior

3. Stay tuned! I'll be adding more to Jennie's Room throughout the year. 

4. Best in Chrome, small Firefox bug observed once you're out the window; is an unholy abomination on mobile.  Make sure your browser window is maximized for the best experience.


Jennie's Room old - the code 21 MB

Development log

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